experience at the helm

Texas Boat Insurance

With more than 25 million people living in the state it is easy to see why so many boats are registered in Texas. Add this to the fact that there are rivers and lakes throughout the state as well as easy access to the Gulf, and there is no wondering why many Texans spend their spare time on the water.

Are you ready to purchase a Texas boat insurance policy? You have come to the right place. We have clients throughout the state of TX – many of whom own more than one boat.

No matter what type of vessel you have, if you need insurance we can help. Use our 90 second online boat insurance quote. Our goal is to provide you with affordable, comprehensive coverage backed by our industry-leading customer service.


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Biggest Cities in TX

There are many big cities in Texas that are home to a large number of boaters. If you live in one of the following cities, you are among many other boat owners – many of whom are current customer of ours:


San Antonio



Fort Worth

Texas Boat Registration Advice

If you own a boat in Texas you need to register it with the state. Along with this, you must make sure you renew your registration when it comes due. You don’t want to overlook the importance of doing so.

For registration information visit the Parks & Wildlife website. It is here where you will find all the requirements, fees and application forms.

Do you have any questions regarding Texas boat insurance? We take great pride in offering assistance to anybody who is in the market for a policy. Contact us today for information, advice or a free quote.

Like our boat insurance service but prefer working with your Texas boat insurance agent? Your insurance agent can purchase and service this quote for you. Boat insurance is a specialty and like most specialty insurance programs, we do business directly with you the boat owner and with insurance agents. There is no change in the premium or any additional cost to you. You get the benefit by having a great boat insurance policy and your local agent to service your policy.