Our system is compatible with all browsers except Internet Explorer.

We currently have limited availability for new Agency Appointments in the state of Florida.

  1. This does not affect existing agencies appointed that need to add agents.
  2. If your agency has an appointment with American Modern Property and Casualty in the state of Florida, we can use that appointment to get your approved to write with United Marine Underwriters.
  3. We may have an open market for boats 26’ and less.
  4. United Marine Underwriters can write the account direct if you need an option.
  5. This only affects agencies in Florida or agencies looking to place business where the boat in located Florida .

Your Information

*(if licensed)
*(if licensed)

We need to verify your license, enter the last 4 of your social security number and select verify.

Your Credentials

Please enter your email address. Your email address will be your login name. You will receive a verification email to confirm your account.
