experience at the helm

Ohio Boat Insurance

If you have ever traveled through Ohio you are well aware of the many lakes and rivers in the state. For this reason, many residents own a boat. If you are among them, you know how important it is to carry the proper boat insurance.

Are you in the market for an Ohio boat insurance policy? We offer boat insurance quotes on your screen in 90 seconds. We are your one-stop shop. No matter if you are buying for the first time or looking for a new provider, we can ensure that you are getting exactly what you want. Our goal is to sell you a comprehensive policy at a price that fits into your budget.


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Is your Boat Registered with the State of OH?

If you own a boat in Ohio you are required to register it with the state. This is something that you must do from the first day of ownership.

For more information, you can visit the Division of Watercraft website. In this state, all boats need to be registered. This includes motorboats, sailboats, canoes and kayaks among others.

Biggest Cities for Boaters in Ohio

There are many big cities throughout the state. Along with this, there are hundreds of small towns. From one side of the state to the other, there are people who own boats.

Here are the five cities that have the highest concentration of boat owners:






Do you have questions regarding the purchase of an Ohio boat insurance policy? If anything is on your mind, let us assist you in finding the right answers. We are not satisfied until you have the right policy for your vessel.

You are not required by law to have insurance for your boat but this is not a risk you should be willing to take. You spent a lot of money on your watercraft. Do you really want to take the risk of hitting the water without insurance?

Fill out our free quote form to take the first step toward buying OH boat insurance.

Like our boat insurance service but prefer working with your Columbus boat insurance agent? Your insurance agent can purchase and service this quote for you. Boat insurance is a specialty and like most specialty insurance programs, we do business directly with you the boat owner and with insurance agents. There is no change in the premium or any additional cost to you. You get the benefit by having a great boat insurance policy and your local agent to service your policy.