experience at the helm

Maryland Boat Insurance

With the Chesapeake Bay and its close proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, many residents of Maryland own a boat. While most of these people realize the importance of buying an insurance policy, there are some who think this is a waste of money. We are here to help you better understand the Maryland boat insurance industry, including the type of coverage that is available.

Upon completing our 90 second online boat insurance quote, you will find yourself in position to purchase a high quality policy that gives you all the coverage you could ever need.


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MD Boat Registration

Boat insurance is not required by the state of Maryland. However, registering your boat in the state is a must.

You can learn more about the registration process by visiting the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website. It is here that you can collect information on registering your boat, read frequently asked questions and much more.

Where to Boaters Live in Maryland?

There are people all over the state of Maryland who own boats. Some stay local while others are more than willing to travel a far distance to hit the water.

Here are the five cities that have the highest concentration of boaters:

Do you have questions regarding your boat insurance needs? Are you ready to purchase a policy? It can be difficult to buy coverage without any knowledge. Fortunately, we are here to help with the entire process.

To get started, contact us via phone or complete the online quote form. Either way, you will soon understand what type of insurance you need to keep your boat safe at all times.

Like our boat insurance service but prefer working with your Maryland boat insurance agent? Your insurance agent can purchase and service this quote for you. Boat insurance is a specialty and like most specialty insurance programs, we do business directly with you the boat owner and with insurance agents. There is no change in the premium or any additional cost to you. You get the benefit by having a great boat insurance policy and your local agent to service your policy.